Indian Pincode and Global Zipcode API

Vigo Webs
2 min readOct 3, 2021

Vigowebs offers “Indian Pincode” and “Global Zipcode” APIs with latitude and longitude information. This is a freemium API that is used to autofill the city and state from Pincode or zip code. For example, when the user fills in the Pincode on your website or mobile application this API will return the city and state.

Indian Pincode API:

Indian Pincode or Postal code API provides the 29 states and seven territories pincodes data with latitude and longitude details. You can get the nearby area of pincodes, pincodes by districts, distances between two pincodes, nearby area and distance between pincodes by latitude and longitude information. There are 20k pincodes data and approximately 1.6 Lakh areas (cities or places) with its pincodes available in this API. More information check this link.

Global Zipcode API:

Global Zipcodes API provides the 94 countries’ zipcodes data available with latitude and longitude details. You can get the nearby area of pincodes by country, and places, distances between two zip codes, the distance between zip codes, and nearby area by latitude and longitude information. There are more than 4 million zipcodes data available in this API. More information check the link.

Uses and Benefits of API:

These APIs widely using in eCommerce applications, delivery apps, financial apps. Below are some of the benefits from this API:

1. Helps user checkout faster with autofill state and city.
2. Reduces manual human errors.

To Subscribe to API check out the below link:

